Thursday, 20 March 2025

Members statements

St Luke’s Primary School, Lalor


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St Luke’s Primary School, Lalor

Bronwyn HALFPENNY (Thomastown) (10:01): It was a great pleasure to visit St Luke’s Primary School to talk with grade 4 students and teachers. Students have been studying civil society and democracy, and we talked about rules and how laws are made. Students’ knowledge on the subject was very impressive, and I got more than one curly question. As we talked it was obvious to me that St Luke’s teaches its Christian values throughout the curriculum: care for others, social justice, concern about the environment and the dangers of deforestation for the planet, as well as the need to follow laws and rules to keep us all safe. We also talked about laws and rules and how sometimes they could be unfair and need to be changed. Thank you Ms Elizabeth Persichetti, grade 4 teacher, for the invitation, and also to principal Ms Bernadette Venables.