Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Constituency questions

South-Eastern Metropolitan Region


South-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Ann-Marie HERMANS (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:56): (495) My constituency question is to the Minister for Planning regarding her dramatic intervention in July this year to halt mid- and high-rise developments near the Frankston waterfront, for which one developer had already taken deposits on 30 per cent of his 14-storey development. Minister, since the interim overlay, which prevented any development over three storeys, was halted under your direction until 27 October and was revoked by you last Friday, will you ensure that Frankston City Council will engage in genuine, broad-ranging public consultation on new planning and development controls in the implementation of the Frankston metropolitan activity centre structure plan and advise my constituents and me of the constituent concerns, which you have become aware of, on whether this development is going to be built with up to 12 storeys and two towers?