Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Constituency questions

Eastern Victoria Region

Eastern Victoria Region

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (13:09): (508) My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it relates to the upgrade to the intersection of Lloyd Street and Waterloo Road in Moe. For the past 15 years, every year there has been a serious crash, and of the 13,000 daily vehicle movements there are very near misses. It is a busy intersection. Not only is there a primary school nearby, but pedestrians and motorists are at risk. The federal government has put down $9.3 million for this upgrade. It has been sitting on the table for quite some time, but we also know that the federal minister Catherine King is doing her 90-day-and-longer review, an extensive review, and I do not want this one. With my constituents – and Martin Cameron and I have met with a number of those constituents ‍– I ask the minister: what is the minister doing specifically to advocate for this vital upgrade to continue?