Tuesday,31 October 2023
Members statements
Warrnambool Show
Warrnambool Show
Jacinta ERMACORA (Western Victoria) (13:34): On Saturday it was my great pleasure to open the 2023 Warrnambool agricultural show. We first heard from Uncle Robbie Lowe Sr, who told us of his pain and sadness on the referendum result. He nonetheless welcomed us graciously despite the difficult result. The show included a Friday youth music event, a Saturday show day and a three-day equestrian event. This year’s show was an absolute success. The carnival included rides for children of all ages, a sideshow alley, show bags and a kids zone. On show, literally, were the best cattle and sheep our region has to offer, along with the local gourmet hub and a shearing demonstration. It was great to see Cr Nick Cole in action as a sheep judge, along with show committee president Jason Callaway, show secretary Lynn Lyles and vice-president Peter McDonald. Together they achieved a fantastic array of sponsors, including Warrnambool Toyota, Sinclair Wilson, Barton’s Waste, Warrnambool City Council, Dale Cleves Music, Wilson Real Estate, Fitzmedia, Elders, the Midfield Group and Dirtfert as well. I congratulate those sponsors, who also supported a fantastic event. I want to acknowledge the hard work of the Warrnambool Agricultural Society and their committee. Over the last couple of years they have reactivated the Warrnambool Show to reflect a marvellous event.