Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Members statements

Women’s Action Group

Women’s Action Group

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (13:29): On 16 October 2022 I attended and spoke at the first Women’s Action Group, WAG, Speakers Corner event held appropriately in the Pioneer Women’s Memorial Garden next to the Royal Botanic Gardens, so I was more than happy to come to the steps of this place on Sunday to celebrate the first anniversary of WAG’s Women Will Speak event. WAG was formed in 2019 as a platform for women to speak freely about gender identity ideology and its impact. Elsewhere women are silenced, sacked, berated, ostracised and even told they are bigots or Nazis. Women Will Speak is a space where women can advance their arguments and relate their experience without fear of being drowned out, cancelled or even physically attacked. I am so pleased to be sponsoring their petition on the irreversible chemical and surgical treatment protocols relating to children and adolescents transitioning. This is a major health issue bordering on child abuse, and the proponents should be on notice for their actions. I thank Michelle and others from WAG for fearlessly fighting these important issues.