Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (13:06): (505) My question for the Minister for Crime Prevention concerns the freedom of speech and protection from harm of women who relate their personal experiences of the damaging effect of gender identity ideology. Despite simply expressing their views, three Women’s Action Group of south-west Victoria members have been attacked. One, an elderly woman, was violently attacked in Ballarat by someone objecting to her sign. Another was attacked and permanently disabled by a man claiming to be a woman, and a third was knocked unconscious at the Let Women Speak rally on the steps of Parliament in March. This is not anti-trans, it is pro women’s rights. I have always said, ‘People should be able to be and act as they wish so long as they respect the rights of others.’ So, how, Minister, are you protecting my constituents’ rights to feel safe and be heard?