Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region

Samantha RATNAM

Northern Metropolitan Region

Samantha RATNAM (Northern Metropolitan) (13:03): (502) My constituency question is for the Minister for Education. I have previously raised the plight of the Pavilion School in my electorate, which supports marginalised and at-risk students to re-engage with education. The school has been advocating to the Department of Education for more space to be able to offer more classroom time for students and support the more than 65 students on the waiting list for entry. When you remember that these students might otherwise be disengaged from school, every day spent waiting is detrimental to their wellbeing. I understand the school has now been offered an additional 56 square metres of space leased from Melbourne Polytechnic at the school’s expense, which while welcome will not be enough to accommodate the students waiting to join the school. Minister, I ask you to intervene urgently to ensure that the Pavilion School is supported with access to a complete school building that can both expand contact hours for students and accommodate the growing waiting list for this vital resource for young people at most risk of disengaging from education.