Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Members statements

International Day of Rural Women


International Day of Rural Women

Jacinta ERMACORA (Western Victoria) (10:02): I continue the gender theme. Yesterday, 15 October, was International Day of Rural Women, and I want to mark this by acknowledging the women of my electorate who live with chronic pain. The Allan Labor government announced its landmark inquiry into women’s pain in January this year. Since then I have conducted round tables in Warrnambool, Portland, Hamilton and online. I have also heard from women one on one and by email. I want to take the opportunity to thank the women who have shared their stories. These are not easy conversations to have, and I sincerely value their willingness to talk about such a personal subject. They did not feel that their voices were heard in dealing with the healthcare system. Too often their experience of pain was ignored or dismissed or misdiagnosed. Their untreated pain has had significant impacts on health, finances, careers and relationships. A point that is particularly crucial for rural women is being able to access the right care close to home, and I thank the Premier and Minister Thomas for bringing the focus to these important issues. Again, I ardently thank the many women of western Victoria who shared their stories with me.