Wednesday, 16 October 2024


Korus Connect


Korus Connect

Ann-Marie HERMANS (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (19:16): (1194) My adjournment today is for the Minister for Education, and I ask the minister for action in advocating for the opportunity and continued financial support of Korus Connect and an increase in finances for this organisation, which has been a significant one in providing special religious instruction (SRI) and school chaplaincy services in Victoria’s education landscape for almost 80 years. Korus Connect is facing enormous challenges due to this state government’s position on religious instruction in schools. All the organisation is asking for is an assurance that the government will provide additional funding through a fairer funding process to allow for the continued support of Victorian students.

At the last election the Labor government committed to the removal of the Lord’s Prayer from parliamentary proceedings, to be replaced with a secular reflection, if it were re-elected. The Liberal–Nationals have fought, with the advocacy of numerous multicultural and faith communities, and been able so far to retain the Lord’s Prayer during parliamentary proceedings in this chamber, because we understand the importance faith has for many of our groups in our community. We must embrace and respect all of our faith communities, ensuring their presence is acknowledged. We also have a duty as elected representatives to uphold traditions that honour the faith and diversity of our constituents.

Korus Connect offers a holistic educational response through special religious instruction and chaplaincy which complements our traditional academic curriculum by addressing students’ spiritual, emotional and social needs. The approach can lead to improved overall wellbeing and enhanced academic performance by reinforcing positive values such as compassion, integrity and tolerance. The chaplaincy program offers students a safe and confidential space to discuss their concerns, receive guidance and develop coping mechanisms, and I myself have had the privilege of working in this field in schools.

Korus Connect’s call for funding would enable it to broaden its scope with enhanced community engagement by involving parents, teachers and community leaders in its initiative. It would also allow the organisation to explore innovative approaches to delivering SRI and chaplaincy services on online platforms for blended learning models and allow for the provision of SRI in schools, which would be very much appreciated for my people in the south-east.

Minister, the impact of supporting Korus Connect would be to help to improve academic achievement, mental health and social wellbeing for our students, who we know have suffered so much with the impacts of COVID and the lockdowns. These programs also foster a sense of community within schools and strengthen connections between the school and the wider community. Korus Connect’s work in Victorian education is invaluable; it addresses needs that are incredibly important to the Victorian people.