Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region

Northern Metropolitan Region

Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (12:52): (1155) My question is for the Minister for Community Sport in the other place. The past weekend my beloved Carlton Football Club participated in the AFLW Pride round against Fremantle, an event that demonstrates the spirit of sport and the importance of inclusivity. They looked just incredible in their Pride guernsey, designed by queer Vietnamese illustrator and graphic designer Zo Lam. A constituent of mine was also watching the game, and of course we got talking about Carlton and how inspiring they are and particularly our love of Pride round. She asked me a little bit about how she can be involved in playing footy in the local area, and it prompted me to think about: what steps has the Allan Labor government taken to increase female participation for women and increase inclusivity for people to participate in community sport like footy in my electorate? So that is my question to the minister.