Wednesday, 16 October 2024


Inclusive education

Inclusive education

Aiv PUGLIELLI (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (18:55): (1186) My adjournment tonight is for the Minister for Education, and the action that I seek is for the Labor government to implement and fund comprehensive professional development programs for all teachers in Victoria to receive training in neurodiversity-affirming practice. Neurodiversity-affirming teaching is essential for creating inclusive classrooms that celebrate autistic students, embrace their interests and accept their differences. Current national guidelines from Autism CRC recognise neurodiversity-affirming practice as the best approach for supporting autistic children in mainstream schools. However, Victorian schools are falling behind. They often rely on outdated behavioural interventions that do not align with best practices and contribute to the high rates of bullying and exclusion experienced by up to 97 per cent of autistic students.

Implementing neurodiversity-affirming training for teachers will empower them with the knowledge and skills to facilitate a supportive and thriving environment for neurodiverse students. Numerous case studies have shown that with appropriate professional development and ongoing consultation schools can transform their culture within one to two years at a relatively low cost. This is a proven success story waiting to be replicated here in Victoria. Your Labor pals in South Australia serve as a good example. They already have an office for autism and a dedicated ministerial position. It is frustrating to know that Victorian schools could be doing so much more for neurodiverse students with the appropriate training and resources, and yet here we are. I urge the Minister for Education to prioritise the funding and implementation of neurodiversity-affirming professional development for teachers across Victoria’s public schools. Investing in this initiative will ensure that all students have the opportunity to thrive in an affirming and inclusive educational environment. We are meant to be the Education State. Let us act like it.