Wednesday, 16 October 2024


Cooba solar project

Cooba solar project

Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (18:51): (1185) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Planning, and the action that I seek is for the minister to reject the application for a permit to build the Cooba solar project in its proposed location. I recently met with constituents in Colbinabbin and saw the incredible view of wide green fields on the gentle eastern slope of the Mount Camel hill range. But if the Allan Labor government has its way this view will be destroyed and replaced with 740,000 solar panels and 300 batteries the size of shipping containers.

The proposed Cooba solar project will cover a massive 665 hectares in some of the best wine country in Victoria. There are over 30 wineries along the Heathcote-Rochester Road, which bring a constant stream of tourists to the area who are looking to enjoy the fresh country air and beautiful scenery while they sample delicious local wines. Dozens of wineries have invested in cellar doors and infrastructure to make the most of the view and attract tourists, but this giant solar farm could soon spoil the view and ruin the best efforts of local businesses.

A recent petition to the Victorian Parliament garnered 1362 signatures in opposition to the solar facility. Vintners, farmers, local residents, business owners and the Campaspe Shire Council are not against renewables, but this is not the right location for a massive solar farm. Community support and social licence are essential for efficient and smooth energy transition. The rollout of new energy installations must be sensitive to existing uses of the land where they hope to build and respectful of community concerns.

The Victorian government’s own planning guide states that:

A solar energy facility should not lead to … the loss of productive, state-significant agricultural land …

In particular the guide says careful consideration should be given if a solar farm will mean the loss of a productive site that:

… has high-quality soils, particularly soils that are niche to a type of crop …

That is exactly what the situation is in Colbinabbin. The area is prime agricultural land, with high-quality soil that is particularly suited to grape growing in the Heathcote wine geographical indication. This land must be preserved for its best use in the primary production of grapes and other fruits and crops.

There are many other areas where the solar facility could be located, and Campaspe Shire Council has been active in trying to help the energy developer to find an alternative location for the solar farm where they can connect to the grid without taking top-quality arable land out of production. The council, along with local residents and business owners, are concerned that the solar facility, with 740,000 solar panels that are 8 metres tall, will ruin the beautiful views in the area and harm tourism. Wine growers are also worried that this development would alter the microclimate in the area and affect how the grapes grow and ripen.