Wednesday, 16 October 2024


South-Eastern Metropolitan Region kindergarten funding

South-Eastern Metropolitan Region kindergarten funding

Michael GALEA (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (19:01): (1189) My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister for Children here in the chamber with us tonight, and the action that I am seeking is an update on how the delivery of kinders on school sites in 2027 will benefit constituents in the South-Eastern Metropolitan Region and especially in Clyde North.

Last week 1700 additional kinder on school site places were announced at 11 locations to be delivered from 2026 onwards, and I am very happy to say that Mirniyan Primary School and the interim-named Clyde Creek north primary school in Clyde North are two of the announced locations. Mirniyan Primary School will open from term 1 next year with capacity for 650 students, and with this announcement with the onsite kindergarten at Mirniyan, we will have at least two kindergarten rooms as well. This is going to make a huge difference obviously for families with the double drop-off but also of course give that extra head start to those children to get the best start possible in that transition into their prep education. Thanks to this announcement, a kindergarten will be onsite at both of these two new schools from term 1 in 2027, just a year after the primary school.

In 2027 we will be delivering 10 new kinders, helping busy Victorian families to ditch the dreaded double drop-off, and this announcement increases the total number of kinders being delivered in 2026 to 23.

Wendy Lovell interjected.

Michael GALEA: It stands in stark contrast to the policies enacted by those opposite – that is, when they have the time enough not to be fighting each other in court. Some of the many important things that you learn in schools and indeed even in early childhood placements as well are basic skills of numeracy and arithmetic and things like counting to 30, which some members in this chamber seem to have a great deal of a hard time getting to terms with. They do not know how to count. They have too many potential leaders. It is Mr Crewther one day, it is Mr Wells from Rowville the next day – outstanding.

David Davis: On a point of order, President, this is an adjournment debate, where an action item is asked of a minister. That has nothing to do with the opposition.

The PRESIDENT: Yes, I will call the member back to the adjournment matter.

Michael GALEA: On the point of order, President, I note that I was actually responding to an interjection by Ms Lovell.

The PRESIDENT: Interjections are unruly, and I will call you back to your adjournment matter.

Michael GALEA: As I say, there are many important things, such as learning how to count to 30, amongst other things, that you can learn. Perhaps some of my colleagues from the other benches may wish to go back to some of these sites and learn firsthand –

David Davis: On a point of order, President, he is defying your order, and he is now hopping back into the opposition. His job in the adjournment is to request an action by a minister.

The PRESIDENT: I kind of fail to understand how the counting bit was hopping into the opposition, but maybe I should pay more attention.

Michael GALEA: Thank you, Minister. Yes, being kind to each other is a very important trait that let us say many in this place could learn from. It is a very important thing and a very important measure that this government is invested in, delivering these onsite kindergartens for working families where they need them, including these two new ones in the South-Eastern Metropolitan Region on top of the new one that is opening at Topirum Primary School next year – another terrific initiative of this Labor government. The action that I seek of the minister is an update on how these new kinders will benefit families in my electorate.