Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Gaelle BROAD (Northern Victoria) (12:55): (1158) My question is for the Minister for Consumer Affairs. What measures are in place to protect the rights of residents in lifestyle villages, particularly regarding the sale of the property? I have been contacted by a constituent in Bendigo who was very frustrated to find that she is prohibited from placing a ‘For sale’ sign on her property in a lifestyle village, further complicating the process of selling her home. Additionally, my constituent has also advised that she is subjected to a 20 per cent exit fee, which is a significant financial burden, and in the unfortunate event of her passing, her estate must continue to pay rent on the property until it is sold, which is an additional strain during an already difficult time. What measures are in place to protect the rights of residents in lifestyle villages, particularly regarding marketing material associated with the sale of the property?