Thursday, 17 October 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

TAFE teachers


Questions without notice and ministers statements

TAFE teachers

Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:00): (693) My question is to the Minister for Skills and TAFE. TAFE teachers this week descended on the office of the Labor member for Preston protesting the Allan Labor government’s failure to offer fair pay and conditions. Why are TAFE teachers paid $9000 a year less than teachers in Victorian government schools?

Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Regional Development) (12:00): I thank the member for the question. This is a question that is obviously connected to the negotiations that are currently taking place between the and the AEU. Those discussions are underway. They continue to be underway. I understand that there were further discussions last week, that there was progress made in relation to a number of matters, and again, I use this opportunity to encourage the parties –

Evan Mulholland: On a point of order, President, the question was about why TAFE teachers in Victoria are paid $9000 less than teachers in Victorian government schools. I ask the minister to be relevant to the question.

The PRESIDENT: I believe the minister was relevant to the question.

Gayle TIERNEY: Again, as I said, I take this opportunity to encourage the VTA and the AEU to continue those negotiations and that they hasten the pace of those negotiations and come to some resolution as soon as possible so that we can get on with the things that we need to do in the sector.

Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:01): The Labor member for Preston sought action from the minister two months ago to visit Melbourne Polytechnic in his electorate, but the minister has failed to do so. Given Labor MPs are barred, including the minister, from setting foot on a TAFE campus due to the protracted dispute over pay and conditions, on what date will you be able to visit the Preston campus?

Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Regional Development) (12:02): I thank the member for his question. The member for Preston, Nathan Lambert, is a very good member – so good that he has had me out to the Melbourne Polytechnic campus at Preston on St Georges Road several times, and I have enjoyed those opportunities. In fact I cannot remember how many times I have been there, there have been so many. Many of the times that I have been out there I have been out there to meet with teachers and students who are doing the Auslan course – the Auslan course that was scrapped by those opposite when they were in government. There were no Auslan courses in Victoria run by a TAFE because those opposite trashed them. So I take great delight in going onto that campus. That campus now no longer offers it. It has been shifted to the brand new Collingwood campus of Melbourne Polytechnic – (Time expired)