Thursday, 17 October 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Victoria Region

Northern Victoria Region

Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:53): (1174) My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Will the minister install a dedicated turning lane on Lancaster Road to improve safety for visitors turning right to enter the Kyabram Cemetery? I was recently contacted by a constituent with safety concerns about access to the Kyabram Cemetery on Lancaster Road in Kyabram. Lancaster Road is an arterial road, the C351, with a speed limit of 100 kilometres an hour. Visitors and mourners who are approaching the cemetery from Kyabram must turn right off Lancaster Road into the cemetery. This requires a full stop in a single left lane to let the oncoming traffic pass, then crossing over the right lane to enter the small car park. Those who do not want to make the turn will sometimes park on the grass verge on the opposite side of the road and then walk across the road to the cemetery. Both walking across or stopping to turn right on a busy 100-kilometre road raise safety concerns that a dedicated turning lane would address.