Thursday, 17 October 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Written responses

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Written responses

The PRESIDENT (19:21): Before we adjourn: there were two points of order at the end of question time around ministers’ responses. One was from Ms Crozier on a supplementary question she asked Minister Symes concerning Triple Zero Victoria. Reviewing it, I do believe the minister did not answer the question in line with the standing orders. But given the time today, we will give the minister two days to give a written response to that. Mr McGowan likewise raised a point of order around the answer to his supplementary question to Minister Tierney. Having reviewed that I also agree that the answer was not in line with the standing orders, so I will ask the minister if she could supply Mr McGowan with a written response, but likewise, given the lateness in the day, in two days.

The house stands adjourned.

House adjourned 7:22 pm.