Thursday, 17 October 2024

Constituency questions

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:43): (1165) My constituency matter is directed to the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop. Home owners within the Suburban Rail Loop Authority precincts in my electorate are increasingly concerned about the heritage status and future security of their properties. These are hardworking Victorians who have diligently saved over the years and achieved the Australian dream of home ownership and have chosen to live in an area that best suits their families. However, as the Suburban Rail Loop Authority becomes even more expansive and intensifies property development plans, home owners fear that their heritage-listed properties may not be spared from the SRL’s growing list of potential acquisitions. This fear is not unfounded. The new activity precincts – announced without warning, let alone consultation – have also made clear that heritage protections will no longer apply as before. My question to the minister is this: is the SRLA authorised to acquire heritage-listed properties, and if so, has it already exercised this authority? And can you provide absolute clarity on whether the SRL precincts are also subject to the same activity precinct zoning changes whereby existing heritage protections will be amended?