Thursday, 17 October 2024

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (12:55): (1176) My question is for the Minister for Local Government. Minister, the ABC revealed today that the G21 Geelong Region Alliance is under investigation by Victoria Police in connection with the alleged theft by a staff member of over $100,000. The organisation is a lobby group for regional local government. Accounts describe it as being dependent upon the ongoing support of state and local government grants. Local councils contribute around $650,000 annually, with $400,000 coming from government grants. For small local councils this is a lot of ratepayer money. The value for money had already been questioned. At one point the city of Geelong announced an end to contributions. But theft allegations are even more serious. Police confirm they were informed in 2022. So, Minister: when we you made aware of these allegations, and what steps have you taken to ensure taxpayer and ratepayer money is protected?