Thursday, 17 October 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region


Northern Metropolitan Region

Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:47): (1169) My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it concerns the condition and parlous state of median strips in my electorate on state arterial roads. I am regularly contacted by constituents, particularly in Greenvale, about the state and disrepair of the median strips in terms of mowing on Mickleham Road, Somerton Road and Cooper Street, which are already suffering under the stress, particularly with the lack of maintenance. This is not just a matter of amenity for my constituents. They have a right to be proud of their community and for it to look beautiful. Many tell me you can spot the difference between a council road and a state road by the length of the grass, and it is always on the state roads that it is much longer. Minister, as these roads are the responsibility of the state government, I ask you to direct your department to get the mower out and clean up our roads.