Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Members statements
Local government elections
Local government elections
Moira DEEMING (Western Metropolitan) (09:59): Voting has now closed for Victoria’s local council elections. The Western Metro Region fielded a huge array of candidates across our many councils, and I have heard that for the most part those local government elections were fought in the right spirit, and that is what we need for democracy to work. But I did hear and I did see with my own eyes some extremely concerning issues. The first was the disgusting, slanderous pamphlets and online harassment that were not only unbecoming of anyone who seeks election but also unbecoming of anyone who is an adult. I hope that anyone with any information will report it so that next time around we will not see that kind of vile behaviour. The second was totally shocking and a real threat to the integrity of this election, and that was the news reports firstly of an attempted break-in of a postbox in Tarneit, a successful break-in of a postbox in Bayside City Council and the theft of an Australia Post collection vehicle. Again, I hope that the culprits are found and charged. Lastly, I heard from multiple residents that because Australia Post has removed so many of its postboxes – presumably a cost-cutting exercise – finding a postbox has become increasingly difficult. Many are located within shopping centres and cannot even be accessed after hours. Whoever is elected will have the honour of representing their constituents, and I wish them all well. So good luck, and may the best candidate win.