Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (14:03): (1203) My question for the Minister for Health concerns maternity services at Camperdown Hospital. A huge local protest followed the service’s shock closure in August. After a hastily announced review, it was resumed five weeks later. At that time I asked if South West Healthcare’s emphasis on the very small number of low-risk births was a deliberate effort to downplay the significance and viability of the service. Since then the unit has frequently been placed on bypass. Was announcing the return to birthing but demanding impossible standards just a cynical way to cancel services by making them impossible to deliver? Staff have been treated abominably and have to reassure expectant mothers, who must be beside themselves not knowing if their birth plan hospital will be on bypass at any given time. Minister, what will you do to replace the GP obstetrician and GP anaesthetist who have now resigned?