Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: Green Links grants

Ministers statements: Green Links grants

Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Housing, Minister for Water, Minister for Equality) (12:25): I rise today in my capacity as the Minister for Water, and the exciting news keeps coming in the water portfolio. Last week I was really happy to officially announce the $2 million round 2 of the Green Links grant fund. This is a statewide funding round, and it is part of our $10 million Green Links program. I joined the hardworking member for Ashwood in the other place Matt Fregon – he is a staunch advocate for his local waterways – down by Scotchmans Creek. This is a part of the world that has seen around 8000 plants put in in and around the waterway to make sure that we see that vegetation work contributing to healthier, more drought resilient and more connected waterways. This is because of the work of the Friends of Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve, including in partnership with councils, to get this outcome underway.

So many members in this chamber and the other place will be excited to hear about round 2 of the Green Links fund. That is open from now until 5 December for project funding between $20,000 and $350,000 for eligible community and environment groups, schools, traditional owner groups, local governments and land or water management agencies. It has been extended to all urban waterways across Victoria. Just like the Pick My Park announcement, which the Premier was delighted to announce earlier this week, it is all about providing Victorians with healthy green space closer to our growing communities to connect people with local environments and make sure that we have community and social licence as part of ensuring that our communities can grow and grow well. The Green Links program complements the $262 million in investment committed in the 2024–25 budget, and I know that everyone here will join me in making sure that communities have every opportunity to see the investment that will complement our work across our landmark housing statement and reform initiatives.