Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Constituency questions
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
North-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (14:04): (1204) My question is for the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop. Many of my constituents living near the $26 billion North East Link Project have expressed deep concern about the dust and dirt arising from those building works and from the removal of tunnelling soils et cetera. Likewise, my constituents who live around the Suburban Rail Loop construction site are concerned about the planning for the commencement of tunnelling, rightly so as we can already see the preliminary planning and phasing causing significant disruptions in my community for drivers, businesses, families and homes. My question for the minister is: will you clarify where the trucks exiting the sites will exit from, where they will marshal for loading, how many trucks per day will operate and how many hours per day will they operate, and can you detail where the debris and dirt from the tunnelling site at Box Hill Gardens will be dumped?