Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: mental health services
Ministers statements: mental health services
Ingrid STITT (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (12:34): I rise to update the house today on the work underway by the Allan Labor government to upgrade our mental health facilities across the state. Recently I was really pleased to announce the completion of a number of significant projects funded through our $60 million Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund, including a more than $1 million refurbishment and upgrade of nine community mental health residential units at Peninsula Health. There is $750,000 for the Maroondah Hospital to improve their outdoor spaces in their inpatient unit, and I have also just recently announced the next 11 health services that have been granted funding in the latest round, including $1 million for Austin Health to renovate eight ensuites and $994,000 for Northern Health to refurbish the mental health inpatient unit. And that is not all that we are doing. I was recently pleased to announce seven health services who are recipients of more than $33 million of community mental health expansion program investment. As part of this significant investment, Western Health will receive $6 million to redevelop its Harvester clinic in Sunshine, and Goulburn Valley Health will receive more than $4 million to provide updated facilities with increased capacity for community mental health services. We are getting on with the job of upgrading and investing in mental health facilities right across the state, all as part of our ongoing commitment to rebuilding Victoria’s mental health system and backed by more than $6 billion of investment. The Allan Labor government is ensuring all Victorians will receive the mental health support they need in the high-quality modernised facilities that they all deserve.