Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Constituency questions
Southern Metropolitan Region
Southern Metropolitan Region
Katherine COPSEY (Southern Metropolitan) (12:53): (1195) My question is to the Minister for Housing. Last week I spent time speaking with public housing residents in South Yarra. The majority of residents I spoke to are frustrated, nervous and confused about Labor’s plan to demolish and privatise public housing. Many love their homes and would rather not move. One resident I spoke with, a former engineer, said that his home seems quite solid, pointing out that even after earthquakes in recent years there are not even plaster cracks in the tower block flats, unlike many other homes across Melbourne. He does not see the requirement for these buildings to be demolished rather than refurbished. Minister, why don’t you put on the public record the engineering reports that underpin your claim that demolition rather than refurbishment is required across all 44 public housing towers in Melbourne?