Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Constituency questions

Southern Metropolitan Region

Southern Metropolitan Region

Ryan BATCHELOR (Southern Metropolitan) (12:54): (1196) My question is to the Minister for Emergency Services. How is the government investing in community emergency services facilities in Bayside? Well, you can see why. More and more people want the opportunity to call our Bayside communities home, and one of the things that make these communities so special is the beaches. We want these beaches to be safe for the current residents, for the future residents and for all visitors, and we are extremely proud of the investments that the government has made in new lifesaving clubs in Bayside. The brand new Brighton Life Saving Club pavilion was recently opened at Dendy Street Beach, led by the Bayside council – a $19 million refurbishment, including a state government contribution. We opened recently the new lifesaving club at Black Rock, again partly funded by the state government, with new facilities. There is new equipment going into all these clubs, including new rescue boats, new vehicles, new waterproof jackets and new binoculars, making these beaches safer for all the people who want to visit, including all the residents.