Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Constituency questions
Northern Metropolitan Region
Northern Metropolitan Region
Sheena WATT (Northern Metropolitan) (14:02): (1202) My constituency question is for the Minister for Multicultural Affairs; I did not expect her to be in here. As the community in the Northern Metropolitan Region celebrates Diwali, I would like to wish everyone a joyful Festival of Light. Diwali is more than a cultural event, it is a time for renewal and reflection and a joy to those celebrating. It is a moment when families and communities come together lighting lamps to signify the triumph of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance and hope over despair. In the Northern Metropolitan Region we are fortunate to have a vibrant and diverse community. Diwali can remind us to light up our communities with warmth and a spirit of unity and inclusivity. Minister, how is the Allan Labor government supporting our Northern Metropolitan multicultural communities to celebrate significant cultural events like Diwali?