Thursday, 28 November 2024

Members statements

Northern Community Legal Centre

Members statements

Northern Community Legal Centre

Enver ERDOGAN (Northern Metropolitan – Minister for Corrections, Minister for Youth Justice, Minister for Victim Support) (10:25): I want to share with the chamber that I recently had the opportunity to join the Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes and the member for Yan Yean Lauren Kathage, last Friday, for the opening of the Northern Community Legal Centre’s new office in Wallan. Established following the merger of the Broadmeadows Community Legal Service and the Moreland Community Legal Centre in 2016, they have rapidly grown to meet the needs of the Merri-bek, Hume and Mitchell communities. They continue to provide high-quality client-centred support that integrates legal assistance with culturally responsive non-legal services. Their advocacy work is focused on addressing systemic gaps and barriers in driving evidence-based reforms for structural change. Community education initiatives also empower vulnerable groups by equipping partners to identify legal issues and offer innovative resources to help resolve them independently. These activities are rooted in their deep relationship with the community based on trust, respect and cooperation. The expansion to Wallan will mean that victims of crime in the Mitchell shire, amongst the fastest growing regions in Victoria, will no longer have to face these challenges alone or travel far to access the services that many take for granted. It marks a significant milestone in our journey towards a justice system that reflects the values of fairness, empathy and equality. I want to take this opportunity to give a special thankyou to Jenni Smith and chairperson Louise Gartland for their inspiring leadership, and also a shout-out to Mitchell Shire Council for providing the space for this new centre.