Thursday, 28 November 2024

Members statements

Police conduct

Police conduct

Aiv PUGLIELLI (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (10:42): I am deeply concerned about the gross overuse of police powers following the Land Forces protests. Since those protests many people have been arrested, with multiple raids on people’s homes. In one raid police entered a student’s home without a warrant and arrested her while she was getting out of bed. An officer watched as she stripped down to get dressed, claiming this was to prevent her from jumping out the window. Another young person, who was arrested on day one of the protests and prohibited from attending the following day described that police:

… had a drone sitting pointing at my bedroom window virtually the whole day to make sure I was there.

This extensive use of police powers has a chilling effect, and I will call it what it is. It is blatant intimidation from the cops in a flagrant attack on the right to protest in this state, sanctioned of course by this Labor government. People deserve better than this.