Thursday, 28 November 2024

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region

Western Victoria Region

Joe McCRACKEN (Western Victoria) (14:16): (1311) My constituency question is for the Minister for Emergency Services. Minister, I have had some hardworking farmers contact me recently. They are paying thousands of dollars in fire services levy every time they have to pay their rates. One constituent of mine at Lake Goldsmith, south of Beaufort, reported that his most recent fire services levy increased by 35 per cent. These are the same farmers that time and time again turn up and volunteer when fires threaten homes, livelihoods and properties. But they are getting absolutely fed up with being slugged time and time again with the fire services levy, and they see no return – old equipment, old tankers and no thanks from the Labor government. Minister, will you advocate to the Treasurer, the Minister for Local Government and the Premier to consider giving a discount on the fire services levy to CFA volunteers? These people are literally putting their lives on the line to save lives, making their community a priority. It is about time we make them a priority.