Thursday, 28 November 2024

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region


Northern Metropolitan Region

Anasina GRAY-BARBERIO (Northern Metropolitan) (14:08): (1303) My question is for the Minister for Education. I recently met with a school council representative from Moomba Park Primary School in Fawkner. This vibrant and diverse school community is desperate to source funding to improve their school. Built in 1968, the school has scarcely been updated in the last 50 years. While a great new early learning centre was recently built on the grounds, the primary school’s buildings are crumbling, the roof leaks in the rain and students refuse to use the toilets, such is their state of disrepair. A flexible learning space that caters to their large contingent of students with additional needs is unsafe for much of the year because of inadequate heating and cooling. Neighbouring schools Fawkner Primary and St Matthew’s have seen significant investments, yet Moomba Park falls behind. The school is stretched to its limits. A rebuild is urgently needed to bring it up to standard. Minister, will you commit to funding a rebuild of Moomba Park Primary School and urgently address these critical infrastructure issues?