Thursday, 28 November 2024

Constituency questions

Eastern Victoria Region

Eastern Victoria Region

Renee HEATH (Eastern Victoria) (14:11): (1306) My question is for the Minister for Health. Minister, it is now 2223 days since the government promised a hospital in Pakenham. In 2021 the government used its compulsory acquisition powers to claim the site in Pakenham. Since then there have been multiple court actions by former owners, including a case referred to in the media just last month. Minister, there are now some demolition works finally starting on the proposed site – six years after it was promised, by the way – so these are the questions I have. Has the government concluded the action brought by previous owners of the site that was compulsorily acquired? What was the final settlement and when was it reached? And what are the current projected costs for this long-overdue hospital, including any payouts to former site owners?