Thursday, 28 November 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: LGBTIQA+ community

Ministers statements: LGBTIQA+ community

Harriet SHING (Eastern Victoria – Minister for Housing, Minister for Water, Minister for Equality) (12:48): This year has been a truly monumental one for our vibrant and diverse LGBTIQA+ communities around Victoria. While we have celebrated many achievements, LGBTIQA+ communities have faced a rise in hate speech, vilification and violence. I acknowledge the tireless work of the Attorney-General and also the Minister for Multicultural Affairs for LGBTIQA+ people of faith in advancing anti-vilification reform to ensure that all Victorians can live freely and safely. It was wonderful to see representatives of our diverse communities gather this week in support of this work and anti-vilification legislation, and I thank them. Here in Victoria, equality means no-one is left behind. This reform protects women, people living with disabilities and our multicultural and multifaith communities, including LGBTIQA+ people of faith. Getting caught up in harmful and divisive debates about the validity of people’s identities causes real harm and contributes to LGBTIQA+ people experiencing poorer mental health and whole-of-life outcomes compared with non-LGBTIQA+ communities. We are committed to continuing the work to ensure that LGBTIQA+ people can live safely, wholly and freely, and we are proud to have prohibited harmful change and suppression practices and removed barriers for trans people to access birth certificates that reflect their gender identity. We will continue to remove discrimination against LGBTIQA+ people through critical reforms that promote social cohesion, education and connectedness to ensure that all Victorians can live authentically and without fear. There is no room for vilification, hate speech or discrimination against LGBTIQA+ people in Victoria. Under the Allan Labor government there is no room and there will never be any room for Nazis. If only those on the opposition benches could say the same thing.

The PRESIDENT: That ends ministers statements and question time. I am not asking any ministers for written responses, but I will take points of order.

Renee Heath: On a point of order, President, the minister failed to answer my supplementary question, and I ask that it please be reinstated.

The PRESIDENT: I am happy to review that.

David Davis: On a point of order, President, during the question I asked the Minister for Skills and TAFE, she walked a million miles away from any responsibility for VET subjects in the current VCE environment. It is my contention that the minister has misled the house on her responsibility, and I want to draw your attention to the annual report –

The PRESIDENT: No, Mr Davis –

David Davis: I just want to read a section –

The PRESIDENT: No. I have invited you for a point of order.

David Davis: She has not answered the question –

The PRESIDENT: No. I have invited you for a point of order if you believe that the minister did not answer the question. This is a point of debate.

David Davis: She did not answer the question, because she said she was not responsible –

The PRESIDENT: That is an answer.

David Davis: But actually the annual report of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority says she is. It even refers to her in the report. It says here:

The VCAA Board is primarily responsible to the Minister for Education. It is also responsible to the Minister for Children, Minister for Skills and TAFE …

It actually goes further; it goes much further. It draws out her own name. It has a biography of her in there and her responsibility, and the delivery of VET and VCE courses is clearly something she has an interest in and responsibility for.

The PRESIDENT: Mr Davis, I have said this before. An answer can be that the minister says it does not fall within her responsibility, so she answered it.

David Davis: On a point of order, President. In the governance and organisational section it says:

Minister for Skills and TAFE


The Hon. Gayle Tierney MP

The PRESIDENT: Dr Mansfield on a point of order.

Sarah Mansfield: On a point of order, President, I have two unanswered questions on notice that are overdue: 1665 and 1666.

The PRESIDENT: Can I get a minister to give a commitment to follow those ones up? Minister Shing said yes.

Sitting suspended 12:54 pm until 2:02 pm.