Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: Ryans Lagoon
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Ministers statements: Ryans Lagoon
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Water) (12:27): Wetlands are critical for reducing the impacts of floods, improving water quality and providing crucial habitats for animals and plants. In the past, many wetlands in northern Victoria would naturally have been filled by overbank flows from the Murray River, but regulation of the river has meant vital flows do not always reach these important wetlands – places like Ryans Lagoon near Wodonga, which was dry for a number of years. So it was fantastic to visit a restored Ryans Lagoon last week. Ryans Lagoon is now under the care of the Duduroa Dhargal Aboriginal Corporation, DDAC, with a three-year project to restore the landscape. Pumps delivered water aiming to match the natural flow that existed before the Murray River was regulated. Ryans Lagoon is a nationally significant wetland, home to at least 29 species of waterbirds, the wedge-tailed eagle and the eastern long-necked turtle. A huge thanks to Uncle Allan, Uncle Phil and Aunty Valda for sharing their culture and the significance of this site, where traditional owners have cared for the Upper Murray flood plain for tens of thousands of years.
To effectively deliver water where it is most needed, partnerships are crucial, and it was great to see the North East Catchment Management Authority, North East Water, the environmental water holders and DDAC working together to deliver this vital project. Restoration of the area’s plants and animals also provides a site for cultural education. The collaboration with DDAC is a great example of what is possible when First Nations people are empowered to care for country in their own ways and of the important role waterways play in bringing together community and of course in our enjoyment of our beautiful, beautiful environment.