Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Constituency questions

South-Eastern Metropolitan Region


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South-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Ann-Marie HERMANS (South-Eastern Metropolitan) (14:05): My question is to the Minister for Planning. The question I have is: will you give constituents who live near the Kingswood golf course, who are concerned about the redevelopment of the course into an 800-plus housing development, an opportunity to look at the plans for the land and provide them with an avenue of open community consultation since they will be affected by any building works in the area? Given that the City of Kingston has written to the Minister for Planning asking for broader community consultation since the last application for the site attracted over 8000 objections, and with Dingley Village’s probable population increasing by 20 to 25 per cent, which would bring major changes to traffic, local services and open space, we want you to assure the residents of Dingley that further consultation will be provided. There is only a single-lane main road in and out of Dingley Village and no high school. The nearest college, Parkdale Secondary, is already turning away student applications. Primary schools are operating out of portables, and there are no increased childcare or medical facilities to support this type of increased population. There really needs to be more community consultation and consideration.