Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

United Firefighters Union

David DAVIS, Jaclyn SYMES

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United Firefighters Union

David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (12:31): My question is for the Minister for Industrial Relations, and I refer the minister to her responsibilities to ensure that industrial actors in Victoria act lawfully as state government employees. I refer particularly to the operational enterprise agreement with the United Firefighters Union. Will the minister insist that the UFU comply in full with the ruling of the full bench of the Fair Work Commission to hand over all documents relating to a secret slush fund and insist the UFU return to the commission after their extraordinary walkout?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:32): Mr Davis, often I reflect on the fact that you ask me questions that are not appropriately put to me. It is a matter for the commission to enforce their orders. My understanding is perhaps some of these matters have been referred to police, and again I do not step into the shoes of the operation of law enforcement officers. It continues to concern me the questions that you ask about the expectations of ministers of the Crown and what you think we should and should not do. It is terrifying that you think that we should step into the shoes of independent bodies, that we should influence outcomes inappropriately, because that is exactly what you are asking me to do.

David DAVIS (Southern Metropolitan) (12:32): Minister, given that Fair Work has refused to rule that the scheme satisfied the requirements of the enterprise agreement and the union will not submit to Fair Work rules, these payments are in fact corrupt fees routed through the secret UFU trust and have all the appearance of a rort. I therefore ask the minister: will you order an independent investigation into the UFU’s secret trust fund?

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:33): Mr Davis, if you had listened to my response to your substantive question, there is capacity for the commission to enforce their rulings. There is also the matter of referrals to the Federal Court, and anything that could be considered illegal or corrupt could be a matter for Victoria Police.

David Davis: On a point of order, President, it was a simple question about whether she will refer this for an independent investigation – will she order an independent investigation – and the answer is yes or no.

Members interjecting.

The PRESIDENT: Order! The minister indicated in her substantive and in her follow-up answer to the supplementary that this does not fall within her remit, and she also believes that it is inappropriate for her to do so. That is the answer.