Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Constituency questions

Western Victoria Region


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Western Victoria Region

Bev McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (12:58): My question is for the Minister for Energy and Resources, and it concerns Syncline Energy’s proposal to install a 2000 megawatt underground direct current cable along the Calder Freeway. While this would not replace overhead transmission, it would affect the requirements of our transmission network. Syncline’s owner Phil Galloway describes it in today’s Weekly Times as:

… an opportunity for the government to rethink WRL (Western Renewable Link) and halve VNI West

This is a serious company, responsible for the Melbourne renewable energy hub, and it is a serious proposal, not a thought experiment. Options agreements have been signed with landowners. It is refreshing to see consultation with landowners done first, rather than the top-down approach taken by state and federal agencies. Minister, previous requests to consider existing projects have been stonewalled. Sometimes there seems to be a siege mentality – (Time expired)

The PRESIDENT: Time, Mrs McArthur.

Bev McARTHUR: Will you ensure it is treated with an open mind?

Sitting suspended 1:00 pm until 2:01 pm.