Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Duck hunting
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Duck hunting
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:29): Politics, like comedy, is a little bit in the timing. My question is for the minister representing the Minister for Outdoor Recreation, and it is about wetlands. Minister, the wetlands management committee has an important role to play in ensuring that hunting is undertaken in a sustainable and ethical way. An important part of this process is that of trigger points. Trigger points offer management, not closures. Closures should be the last resort, not the first or only option. Management practices like partial closures should be considered with appropriate buffer zones, should the size of the wetland permit it. Other factors that should be taken into account are the number of hunters and hunted creatures that regularly use the wetland, the size of the refuge area available in or near the wetland where the birds can escape hunting pressure and the potential significance to the population of the proposed closure. My question is: would the minister support the wetlands management committee to consider more management programs like hunter education and signage?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Water) (12:30): I thank the member for his interest and his ideas around further protections. I will refer this matter to the Minister for Outdoor Recreation for his response.
Jeff BOURMAN (Eastern Victoria) (12:30): I thank the minister for forwarding it on. Closing wetlands due to the presence of a game species such as the blue-winged shoveler is always going to be problematic. The major issue is that they are not officially being closed due to the risk of them being shot, they are being closed due to disturbance. Some of the areas are multi-use wetlands. In off-hunting seasons they can be used for other noisy pursuits such as motorboating. Minister, why is disturbance from boats on these wetlands not treated the same as disturbance from hunting?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Water) (12:31): Again, I thank Mr Bourman for his ongoing interest in this area. This matter will be referred to the Minister for Outdoor Recreation.