Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Questions without notice and ministers statements
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Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:43): My question is to the Minister for Water. Minister, Grampians residents who opened their private dams, private wetlands and water reservoirs for firefighting efforts over the summer have still not received their complete water top-ups promised at the time by government agencies. When will GWMWater and the Victorian government fulfil this water top-up commitment?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Water) (12:44): In relation to this question, I think that it falls more within the remit of the Minister for Emergency Services. I will absolutely double-check on that. It was a matter that was raised with me when I went into the bushfire regions of the Grampians in January and February. I will seek assurances, regardless, in terms of what the current state of play is, Ms Bath.
Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:45): Minister, in relation to the owners of the Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland, they facilitated CFA trucks day and night to utilise their award-winning wetlands – as you commented in your ministers statement as an example of wetlands – for firefighting efforts. They were some of the unsung heroes in this firefighting effort. Despite being promised water top-ups for their business, they have only received a 1 per cent allocation of the top-up so far, leaving the viability of the wetlands, which are central to their caravan and camping business, in limbo. Despite numerous attempts to secure the additional water top-ups, Grampians Paradise has not had any positive response. Minister, will you now personally step in and ensure that small family businesses like the Grampians Paradise Camping and Caravan Parkland, which have saved regional towns, are provided water top-ups as they have been promised?
Gayle TIERNEY (Western Victoria – Minister for Skills and TAFE, Minister for Water) (12:46): I thank Ms Bath for her supplementary. This matter has not been specifically raised with me, and I am not in a position to provide a direct response in relation to it because I have not received correspondence or details in respect to that. But I am happy to have –
Members interjecting.
Gayle TIERNEY: Excuse me. I am happy to follow this through and to get further updates and information.