Wednesday, 19 March 2025


Terrorism (Community Protection) and Control of Weapons Amendment Bill 2024

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Terrorism (Community Protection) and Control of Weapons Amendment Bill 2024

Clerk’s corrections

The PRESIDENT (17:16): Under joint standing order 6(1), I have received a report from the Clerk of the Parliaments informing the house that she has made a correction in the Terrorism (Community Protection) and Control of Weapons Amendment Bill 2024. The report is as follows:

Under Joint Standing Order 6(1), I have made a correction in the Terrorism (Community Protection) and Control of Weapons Amendment Bill 2024, listed as follows:

Clause 55, as amended by the Council’s amendment No 4 and agreed to by the Assembly, replaces subsection 10D(1) of the Control of Weapons Act 1990. I have omitted the double quote mark at the beginning of the insertion and inserted single quote marks at the beginning and the end of the insertion.

The corrections ensure that the words and expressions inserted by Council amendment No 4 are appropriately inserted into the Bill.