Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Members statements

Auburn South Primary School

Auburn South Primary School

John PESUTTO (Hawthorn – Leader of the Opposition) (09:53): I rise solemnly this morning. Yesterday afternoon a vehicle crashed through the fence of Auburn South Primary School and struck several children. We have all been devastated to learn that an 11-year-old boy has died after being hit. Police report that the boy was rushed to hospital with critical injuries but unfortunately he could not be saved. Our thoughts and sympathies are with his family and friends at this incredibly difficult time. Two girls aged 11, one 10-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy were also taken to hospital with serious injuries.

I know all members will join with me in wishing all of these kids a speedy recovery. Our best wishes as a house I know I can extend to all students, staff and parents of the Auburn South Primary School community. On behalf of our community may I also extend our most sincere and heartfelt thanks to the first responders and emergency services workers who attended the scene. Victorians know you all have a hard job, no more so than when it involves injured children. On behalf of all of us: thank you. To the families of all of those affected: if there is anything we can do, please reach out.

May I conclude by extending on behalf of the house my thoughts and best wishes to principal Marcus Wicher and also Ross Pritchard, who is the principal of Auburn High School, their teachers and staff and the students, parents and families of both schools at this most difficult time.