Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Constituency questions
Gippsland South electorate
Gippsland South electorate
Danny O’BRIEN (Gippsland South) (15:02): (872) My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and the information I seek is: what works will be undertaken on the South Gippsland Highway as part of this year’s road maintenance program? The minister revealed to me last year that a staggering 2739 potholes had been filled on the South Gippy highway in just four months. I would report to the minister that the South Gippy highway is still in an appalling state – in fact it has probably got worse. Tragically we had a fatality on the highway yesterday, and I am not suggesting that is related to the condition of the road – we do not know why that occurred. But many people have contacted me since, and they are concerned at the state of the South Gippsland Highway. The government is talking up its road maintenance plans, so what is in it for the South Gippsland Highway this summer?