Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: planning policy
Ministers statements: planning policy
Sonya KILKENNY (Carrum – Minister for Planning, Minister for the Suburbs) (14:36): As the Allan Labor government gets on and builds more homes for Victorians, we are also creating more opportunities for young Victorians and families to find a place to call home and opportunities to enhance the things we absolutely love about our communities, like parks, gardens and open spaces. This week I was so pleased to join the Premier, the wonderful member for Footscray and her beautiful dog Maggie at Hansen Reserve in West Footscray to announce Pick My Park, a $30 million program to upgrade the parks we already love as well as create new open spaces from underutilised land. Pick My Park will deliver more opportunities for more parks, open spaces and gardens, and the best part is that Victorians will get to put forward their own ideas and then vote for them.
This is not just about more homes, it is about better communities too, and that is why last week we announced another $150 million to support our growing communities with better public transport services. We are also working with industry to introduce a fairer system where property developers contribute to funding local infrastructure, parks and services. We are an infrastructure government. Whether it is building a better public transport system or schools or better community infrastructure or more homes, Labor are builders. You cannot trust those opposite when it comes to building homes and communities. They failed Victorians –
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, former Speaker Brooks ruled that attacks on the opposition are inappropriate in ministers statements.
The SPEAKER: I am forever grateful to former Speaker Brooks. Please refrain from attacking the opposition, Minister.
Sonya KILKENNY: I just remind those opposite that they failed to plan for more community spaces, more parks and more schools. Fishermans Bend is just one example. Unlike those opposite, we understand how important community infrastructure is for our communities.
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, the minister is defying your ruling.
Mary-Anne Thomas: On the point of order, Speaker, I would suggest that the minister is not defying your ruling at all. In fact she is referring to the actions of the previous government, which is entirely permissible under the standing orders. It is an actual fact that the former government failed to deliver the open space that our communities need.
The SPEAKER: Points of order are not to be used to make a statement to the chamber. The minister will come back to her ministers statement without attacking the opposition.
Sonya KILKENNY: And where is Mr Skyscraper? Anyway, we are making sure we are building more homes in our suburbs. Communities will have the wonderful shared spaces that they deserve.