Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Constituency questions
Thomastown electorate
Thomastown electorate
Bronwyn HALFPENNY (Thomastown) (15:08): (879) My question is to the Minister for Public and Active Transport, and the question I ask is: how, Minister, is the department working to address the need for new and improved public transport services, including bus services, in growth areas such as Wollert? The population in Wollert is growing, and I have recently had many conversations with residents about their changing needs, including the need for public transport services. Residents with children in particular are eager to see better connections to community centres and schools that will enable their kids to travel independently around the electorate. I was excited to join the Premier at Edgars Creek with the Minister for Planning last week, where she toured the school and met with students, the principal and staff. Following the visit the Premier announced another round of growth areas infrastructure contribution funding that will be open to support more public transport in growth areas. I look forward to sharing the minister’s response with the community in the Wollert area.
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, if I may refer you to Speaker Languiller’s ruling of 15 April 2015 in relation to constituency questions and the not adequate rule, may I ask if you would mind reviewing question 854 to the Premier. The Premier is responsible for government, and the answer seemingly suggested the Premier was not able to answer a question. I think that the not adequate rule, frankly, would suggest that the Premier might have a second go at the question. I do not think it is reasonable for the Premier to not be able to answer questions. I do note the former Premier never had that problem.
The SPEAKER: I will provide a response to the Manager of Opposition Business in due course.