Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Members statements

Upper Goulburn Community Radio

Upper Goulburn Community Radio

Cindy McLEISH (Eildon) (10:05): Upper Goulburn Community Radio celebrated 30 years on air on community radio on Saturday night. It is not easy to keep a community radio station on air, but they have done an amazing job over this period and have really earned their stripes, particularly for their quality coverage of emergency events, fire, flood and drought. They were the first community station to become an emergency broadcaster. With 45 presenters and volunteer support, their future is rosy. The radio station would not be where it is today without their efforts and dedication. Thank you to committee members Michael Mawson, Naomi Booker, Judy Blakeney, Pam Young, Sara Southam, Daryl Lloyd and Peter Weekes OAM, who is a station stalwart. Peter was inducted into the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia honour roll on the Gold Coast recently. With only four inductees from 49 nominations across Australia, this is a big deal.