Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Constituency questions

Ovens Valley electorate

Ovens Valley electorate

Tim McCURDY (Ovens Valley) (15:08): (878) My question is to the Minister for Water in the other place. Can the minister provide feedback on how many leases under the stewardship of Goulburn–Murray Water remain unresolved? Twice recently I have been approached with disturbingly similar tales. Phil Singleton at the Kangaroo General Store at Lake Hume has been without a lease since 2005. He has been actively trying to finalise paperwork since 2017, only to be frustrated by Goulburn–Murray Water and its lawyers to firstly get a draft lease and secondly see the special conditions attached to that lease. Phil wants to sell, but without a lease he has nothing. Albury Wodonga Sailing Club, also on Lake Hume, have been trying to renew their lease for more than two years. They have a ridiculously long email trial that documents the lack of action with repeated requests for updates. The club needs some refurbishment, but that relies on the certainty of a lease. How many others are like this? Who is holding this up?