Wednesday, 30 October 2024
The Orange Door
The Orange Door
Daniela DE MARTINO (Monbulk) (19:08): (894) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, and the action that I seek is for the minister to visit the Belgrave Orange Door. The establishment of the Orange Door in Belgrave has been an invaluable resource for vulnerable residents across the Dandenong Ranges and the foothills. It offers a critical access point for individuals and families experiencing family violence, providing comprehensive support services under one roof. The community has greatly benefited from this service, with many families being able to find the help they need closer to home. The expansion of Orange Door services highlights our government’s ongoing commitment to addressing family violence and ensuring access to vital services in regional and outer metropolitan areas like Belgrave. I look forward to the minister joining me in Belgrave to meet with staff, service providers and community members and to hear firsthand about the positive changes which the Orange Door has brought to our region.