Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: rental reform
Ministers statements: rental reform
Gabrielle WILLIAMS (Dandenong – Minister for Government Services, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Public and Active Transport) (14:45): Renters rights are all about respect, and that is why this Labor government has already delivered more than 130 rental reforms, leading the nation in this work. To those opposite who have this week asked questions about this government’s appetite for further reform, listen up. Today we have announced a further six rental reforms. We will stop property owners making spurious bond claims without evidence. We will ban no-cause evictions, meaning you cannot be kicked out of your home without a valid reason. We will cap the cost for a renter if they need to break a lease. We will ensure renters can pay their rent without incurring any additional fees; they should only pay the rent they owe. We will crack down on extra fees charged to renters for background checks as a part of their rental application. We will also ensure renters can get a spare key or fob without a hassle, because the little things can make a very big difference. We will introduce penalties to ensure that those doing the wrong thing are the ones to pay.
Some part-time political commentators up there in the back seats can commentate from the sidelines without ever delivering a single thing for renters, but on this side of the house we do the work. While their friends the Liberals vote against the basics like new minimum standards, we are making renting fairer. We are ensuring those unfair fees are abolished. We are ensuring that you cannot be evicted because your landlord wants to jack up the rent and ensuring that a bond claim must be evidenced. Only Labor delivers for renters.