Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Members statements
Northcote electorate multicultural communities
Northcote electorate multicultural communities
Kat THEOPHANOUS (Northcote) (10:06): I rise to celebrate the depth of our diverse communities in Northcote and Victoria. Multiculturalism is our greatest strength, yet this cherished element of our national identity has been under pressure, spurred by heartbreaking overseas conflicts but also, regrettably, by the divisive tactics of bad-faith actors. But I see a more hopeful future, one exemplified by the milestones and celebrations of the last few months in the inner north.
Last Sunday I was honoured to join the Consulate General of India to Melbourne Dr Sushil Kumar for a stunning and inclusive Diwali celebration at the Thornbury Theatre. Nearby the Islamic Museum of Australia marked its 10-year anniversary, an exemplary institution with a mission for cross-cultural dialogue. Around the corner at Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite church I dropped in on the youth group learning about stem cell donation for patients with ethnic backgrounds. Meanwhile at Bell Primary the Premier and I got to see Italian learning in action. Greek story time at the library is growing, and a loved community kinder celebrated its name change from Batman to Balit, honouring First Nations history.
These things may seem small, but they speak to the power of our diversity and our shared commitment to a peaceful democracy. Our deep links to varied homelands mean we will always feel global conflicts acutely, but we can harness that as a strength. On behalf of Northcote’s diverse communities, I again voice our urgent call for diplomacy over war and our enduring wish for peace and freedom for all peoples.